by MIT Endicott House | Apr 26, 2023 | Boston Area Meeting Space, Boston Corporate Events, MIT's Endicott House
Work Hard, Play Harder: Planning the Perfect End-of-Summer Outdoor Recreational Day by MIT Endicott House FollowFollowFollow When it comes to team building, one of the best things you can do is take your team out of the office and into a fun and exciting environment...
by MIT Endicott House | Mar 26, 2023 | Boston Area Business Retreats, Boston Area Meeting Space, Boston Corporate Events, Planning
Why Two Days are Better Than One: The Benefits of Hosting a Multi-Day Conference by MIT Endicott House FollowFollowFollow While one-day conferences have their advantages, such as being more cost-effective and convenient for attendees who may not want to stay...
by Ginna McAuliffe | Feb 22, 2023 | Boston Area Meeting Space, MIT's Endicott House, Planning
How to Organize a Fun (and Appropriate) Work Dinner by MIT Endicott House FollowFollowFollow Work dinners can be a great way to bond with your colleagues and celebrate your collective accomplishments. However, organizing a fun and appropriate work dinner can be...
by MIT Endicott House | Jan 15, 2023 | Boston Area Meeting Space, MIT's Endicott House, Planning
Are in-person meetings obsolete? by MIT Endicott House FollowFollowFollow The past two (nearly three) years of working has turned many industries on their heads when it comes to allowing remote work. With the rise of remote work, we’ve naturally seen a whole new type...
by MIT Endicott House | Dec 21, 2022 | Endicott House Special Events, MIT's Endicott House, Planning
5 Important Questions to Ask a Potential Wedding Venue by MIT Endicott House FollowFollowFollow Planning a wedding can seem infinitely complicated. Considering every single detail of any day beforehand can quickly get overwhelming, especially if you’re doing it on...
by MIT Endicott House | Oct 17, 2022 | Boston Corporate Events, Endicott House Special Events, MIT's Endicott House, Planning
Important Tips for Planning Safe Post-Covid Events by MIT Endicott House FollowFollowFollow This is the time we’ve all been waiting for. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone has been itching to get back out into the world and attend our favorite events....
by MIT Endicott House | Oct 14, 2022 | MIT's Endicott House, Planning
How to Handle Last-Minute Event Planning by MIT Endicott House FollowFollowFollow Although it’s strongly advised to plan an event as far in advance as possible, sometimes last-minute changes are inevitable. The best way to prevent stress about any decisions you may be...
by MIT Endicott House | Sep 22, 2022 | Boston Corporate Events, Endicott House Special Events, MIT's Endicott House, Planning
Planning a Holiday Party for Your Business by MIT Endicott House FollowFollowFollow Planning a holiday party for your business can be a tough task. From the food to the decorations, there are many things to consider. Here are five steps that will help you plan and...
by MIT Endicott House | Sep 22, 2022 | MIT's Endicott House, Planning
Fall Event Ideas For Business Teams by MIT Endicott House FollowFollowFollow Fall is the perfect time for a get-together. For employers who are looking for ways to help their employees bond, fall events can be a great option. These fun ideas are just right for any...
by MIT Endicott House | Aug 31, 2022 | Boston Area Meeting Space, MIT's Endicott House, Planning
Finding a Venue You’ll Want to Come Back To by MIT Endicott House FollowFollowFollow When finding a venue for your event, there will always be challenges. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve planned for events, finding a perfect venue is the most challenging thing...