Event Planning Trends in 2020 - MIT Endicott House

As we welcome the new year, we also welcome new and innovative trends. Event planning over the past couple of years has gone from dull and uneventful corporate retreats to something that employees are actually looking forward to. Companies understand the importance of giving back to their staff as well as projecting a good image to the public. Therefore, the following list includes some of the event planning trends to look out for in 2020.




More and more start-up companies are going the personalizion route. Why? Because people love to see their name on products, which then provides them with a sense of belonging. What better way to tell your employees that they are a part of the company’s success than by personalizing your event. This can be accomplished in a number of ways, so let’s get to them. A very popular trend to look out for in 2020 is customization. Corporate events are often created to help employees obtain knowledge in certain areas. However, not everyone needs or may even be interested in the event’s training program. Through customization, you allow your staff to choose their preferred training days and classes, thus providing them with true value at the end of the event. You can also further understand their needs through data collection such as past work performance and, of course, personal requests.




Just because something was done before does not mean it isn’t still a trend. Sustainability has been a top focus for both companies and employees. There is no doubt that event planning has a significant impact on the environment. Therefore, many event planners are thinking of ways to reduce this impact on the environment. All types of suggestions have been put forward. These would include more plant-based catering, banning plastic bags, and promoting recycling throughout the events. By following these suggestions you will begin to reduce the carbon footprint your event leaves behind. This is truly a trend we can all get behind with.




Event planning trends tend to be fun and innovative, but we must never forget the realities of the world. There are a lot more security concerns that medium and large-sized venues have to deal with. However, most event planners will admit that they often have no emergency plans in place if such a threat would present itself. This is unacceptable and something that you or your event planner should concentrate on for 2020. The first area of security that you should start with is communication. Planning and understanding how you will communicate with your attendees in the event of an emergency can literally mean life or death. How, who, and when should an announcement be made are critical questions to be answered.


Unique Venue


Let’s face it; those plain hotel ballrooms don’t exactly say, “Wow.” Even with some lighting and balloons, it doesn’t really do much. Therefore, one of the fastest rising trends for 2020 is unique venues. Choosing to host your next event at the beach or a classy mansion can no doubt place your event above and beyond anything else. A unique venue also allows event planners to truly put their talents and skills to work.

Though 2020 is just starting, there is no doubt that event planners have already come up with great trends to follow. So, before you go on hiring or planning your own business or organizational event, adhere to the list above to make sure that it lines up with the latest trends.